I think we may have stumbled upon a source even less believable than "an unnamed source in the White House".
Anthrax (naturally occurring, not weaponized) I'd believe. Influenza, sure. Even bubonoic plague. But ebola?
It could certainly be something other than Ebola. On the other hand with an incubation period of one to 3 weeks, how long would it take for some fanatic from Boca Harram or in any one of the seriously affected countries to travel to Syria and Iraq to take part in the murderous “fun.” There are at least 5 or 6 haemorrhagic type fevers, could be any one of them if there is truth to the story.
It could certainly be something other than Ebola. On the other hand with an incubation period of one to 3 weeks, how long would it take for some fanatic from Boca Harram or in any one of the seriously affected countries to travel to Syria and Iraq to take part in the murderous “fun.” There are at least 5 or 6 haemorrhagic type fevers, could be any one of them if there is truth to the story.