With all of his “success”, Walker was only able to garner only 2.26% over a majority?
That is pretty weak. The same Walker voters that gave Obama a 2012 victory in Wisconsin will surely vote for Hillary (or Warren) over Walker in 2016.
Why such a blue-state, moderate, amnesty-supporting, pal of the GOPe (Priebus, Ryan, Rove) gets so much positive traction in conservative circles is beyond me. Especially when he is nowhere to be found when Ted Cruz is fighting Obamacare and Amnesty.
I like Walker
But I agree Menthops; the reasons are ‘beyond ‘ you
So winning in a swing state counts for nothing? Walker has already done more than most “conservatives” in Washington.
I haven't taken a position on Walker in the presidential race, but on the issues you mention above, perhaps he has not interjected himself because those are federal issues and Walker is a state governor, and as such has no ability to make changes in those areas?
Walker fighting ObamaCare, Amnesty would not be enough for you.
He could also take positions on Iran and Cuba and the likes of you would Say "What the hell, that lazy bastard never said a WORD while Ukraine was suffering".
You guys are a dime a dozen, and overpriced at that.
I started to respond to your misguided post, but then I decided to look at your past posts. You hate Scott Walker as much as my socialist, teacher’s union neighbors.