I do not think I am nuts, I think we are in a big game of chicken with the Establishment types, and I think the only way to get them to stop pushing Establishment types is to demonstrate to them that we won't blink.
We make them blink, or they keep rolling us. That's the stark choice we face.
The primaries start out in the Northeast and by the time it gets around to us it is largely over. THAT is what needs to change.
Yes, this is a relatively minor systemic problem. New Hampshire and Iowa are hardly bastions of conservative thought. Primaries should be awarded on numbers of votes cast for the Republican candidate and not because Ego-driven New Hampshire and Iowa should be permitted to claim a right to set the agenda for the rest of us.
But even solving this problem will not solve the larger problem of the Monied men (donors) going to people who want to dole out government contracts in exchange for donations. We must break that feedback loop somehow or else we will continue to get Harlots in congress who vote for the highest bidder.
In the meantime God keeps calling out in the wilderness and nobody listens because they are so caught up in the “politics of some kind are THE SOLUTION” mindset.