States are controlled at the local level by state legislators and right now State Conservatives and Republicans control 66 of the 99 statehouse chambers.
While progressives have focused for decades on controlling federal government branches, they have neglected state legislative bodies and it will take them more resources and time than they have to reverse the control that Conservatives have over state legislatures.
38 states are necessary for ratification and there are presently 38 states that are in line for a marriage amendment as they have voted either by state law or state constitution amendment to ban same-sex marriage. But federal courts have jerked them around. The remedy for that is Article V.
And...Ted Cruz is not only drafting an amendment that will not only allow states to retain their control over marriage but also allow them more power over other things.
Lastly, the people lined up for Aricle V COS are respected and accomplished professors, lawyers, judges and politicians who are serious about it and who have been growing the Article V movement both in members and in funding.
3 years ago your view would have been sensible. But now you’re far behind. Watch the Levin video I linked and that should bring you current.
OK. Per your request I watched the video. It was long on platitudes and short on answers. I do agree with Mr. Levin that a “runaway convention” is a red herring, and he pretty much beat that one to death. You’ll note that my argument is almost the polar opposite of that: the 38 state threshold for ratification is almost insurmountable. Further, I think Mr. Levin is relying on the naive assumption that states will jump all over the idea of a comvention of the states because they’re so disappointed in how the Federal government is being run. But that’s simply not true. Many states are perfectly happy with the status quo and aren’t going to so much as lift a finger to change it. Or they”re not going to agree with the specific amendments as a means to change it. Or even worse, they’ll simply make a deal to scuttle the amendments in question.
I thank you for the link, and I still view article V as an exercise in futility.