” But, the entire state is so far left”
You don’t know what the hell you are talking about.
The entire state is NOT left. It is downstate, mostly from Westchester county on down, that is the problem.
The vast vast majority of upstate and western NY is quite conservative. And vastly outnumbered by the leftist concentration down in NYC.
And I refuse to be chased out. My family has lived here for over 200 years. It is the relative newcomers that have screwed it all up.
I know many conservatives here in NYC. But we are greatly outnumbered by doctrinaire progressives.
At a social event last week, I met a prominent progressive writer/columnist. I didn’t come out and identify my political orientation. She actually ended up agreeing with me that since most politicians are power-mad psychopaths, we should entrust them with less power, not more. In her eyes I could see the cognitive dissonance tearing her apart.
NY progressives, even the so-called intellectuals, have no idea why they believe what they do. The talk-show conservatives they typically encounter have little notion of how to argue and persuade. The progressive stance is often simply a cultural posture, a marker of upper-middle status in a very class-conscious city.
The state as a whole is left and it impacts me. If you are conservative you need to do something to get rid of the communists who claim to represent you. I could suggest methods, but do not want to be arrested.