Nobody is challenging the right to keep and bear arms in this case.
"...the Fourth Amendment guaranteeing the right of people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects is what applies. Tying a persons hands by state law with respect to accusing them of murder(ing) a deliberate intruder who enters in the middle of the night violates the Fourth Amendment and such laws and rulings are unconstitutional."
Absolute nonsense. Nothing in the 4th gives you the right to kill someone for entering your home. That is not what it says.
When you resort to making stuff up to win an argument it's a sign that you should give up the argument. You are losing.
I’m not making anything up. You, however, are denying facts in order to fit the “Kaarma as murderer” agenda. The Fourth Amendment clause illustrating the right to be “secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects” is unambiguous. What there is no right to is to walk into someone’s garage uninvited, especially at 12:30 am.