If your job was selling or building pumps, pipes or any of the other many items or services purchased by the US oil industry, you would probably care a bit more.
OPEC’s war against fracking has hurt us to some extent but its backfired on every oil exporting country on the planet.
Oil IS cheaper no thanks to them.
I saw a guy talking on the TV yesterday and he said a lot of the strongest housing markets are in these oil boom areas. That won’t last at these low prices. It’s like it’s all connected.
That list could go on and on and on.
Oil and the great fracking boom have been the wellspring of the U.S. commerce for nearly a decade now.
Without the oil renaissance the economy would have remained as flat and lifeless as it was when Obama took office (which just so happens to be exactly what he would have preferred).
A strong energy industry means a strong U.S....always has.
If the Democrats and GOP-e would open up all that land and offshore space that they closed off in previous decades, then our oil industry could boom at lower prices. The frackers could simply move to offshore rigs or the Front Range, etc.