With respect, who did you vote for locally in November, and why?
Did you vote for conservatives and conservative principles? Or did you vote for Boehner-McConnell-McCain-Romney-Bush "Republicans"?
Since you post here, I'm pretty sure I know the answer, and I believe the national mood about Obamacare and amnesty reflects why a lot of people voted the way they did.
The only national conservative voice who seems to be actually listening to voters is Ted Cruz. Like it or not, he's representing that constituency. And it looks to be like it's getting bigger every day.
We will see who makes it to the nomination. We will also see who votes for the winner if X or Y or Z loses.
Indeed we will. But if the 'winner' is from the Boehner-McConnell-McCain-Romney-Bush wing of the party, they are guaranteed national losers, because people who want Ted Cruz-brand conservatism won't cross the street to vote for them.
I am an American first, a conservative second, and I vote Republican not libertarian.