Again? When have they stopped?
My personal belief is neither party wants to own 2016. All you have to do is look at the debt run up in six short years to figure out this is not going to end well. Neither party wants to cut spending or agencies or “programs”. Neither party has done squat about the NSA spying on us, the IRS turning into a political wing or the EPA trying every move in the book to subjugate us. Both parties want to supplant us as the voting base by granting illegal citizenship to millions of foreigners. Both parties are fine trashing what was the best health care system in the world. DC has not represented “us”, Americans for many, many years.
Every day, in every way, it becomes clearer and truly is Washington vs The Rest Of Us.
It has been this way with the District of Criminals for a very long time.
You are clueing in, what are real Americans going to do about it?