Toyota has pretty much owned the Mid size truck market for the past few years. Even before the Colorado, Dakota and Ranger went away.
I’m in a kinda unique situation in that I work for a Gmc/Buick/Toyota dealership. So we sell, or sold, the GMC Canyon next to the Tacoma. There was no comparison. Colorado/Canyon pretty much sucked. That’s the best way I can put it. I’ll be happy to give specifics but that’s the truth.
Hopefully GM has their act together this time but I’m not hopeful. GM full size trucks have always been pretty good but the mid-size/small(S-10, Colorado) have been pretty awful.
Translation: GM bought way more ad space from Motor Trend than Ford did.
Bought a Ford F150 last month:
After the bailout, I'll never own another GM
I had a 2006 (bought in 2007) GMC Canyon. Put 70,000 on it by 2010. Great little 5 cylinder truck. Totaled it (meat between a dump truck and an Expedition). Bought an 2010 F150 FX4, and happy with it, almost 90,000 later.
That truck in the pictures is U G L Y.
I hit a deer last year with my 1996 Dodge diesel 4x4 cost me $300 to straighten the front bumper, end of story. It has been a good vehicle for many years.