Our dear friend, Cardinal O’Connor, would not put up with pro abortion activities or personalities when he was alive, and would not do so now.
ho far away from all of that we have all gone. Our culture.
And Cardinal O’Connor put up with all kinds of pressure, ridicule and backlash. What did he care? My father knew him when they were both young, and in the Navy. The day My father died, the Cardinal took time to call to say he was saying mass for him. He wasn’t too busy to do that.
He wasn’t under too much pressure to just do his job, helping people stay straight, or to get there in their final hour.
Dolan was likely raised democrat, like it was a religion. A Lot of priests were. Blue collar, union, Midwest, and northeast democrats. Just blind, for whatever reason.
they have lost sight of what they are supposed to do against abortion, as we all have as a country.
Dolan will fete Cuomo, I’ll bet.
But when we’ve lost Thanksgiving to the Chamber of Commerce and shopping and polling numbers, we’re getting into territory that will be impossible to regain.
Abortion is the problem.
A society that promotes mothers’ killing their babies, and for these reasons, in these numbers, cannot thrive.
And birth control is the parent of abortion.
The priests are not out in front with this, so I pray for them. It will be them to get this straight. At least no one will ever get it straight if they don’t .
Dolan cannot endorse Cuomo. But he will
Cardinal Dolan is from St. Louis and has never been too busy for anyone. His father was an Aircraft Engineer for McDonnell Douglas and died at the age of 51.
Good points.