That one line is evidence of the lack of intellect employed in writing this article.
The Unites States Supreme Court ruled that only the vote count could determine the election outcome. This article will appeal to the dogma low information gullible people subscribe to.
(It aint what you dont know that gets you into trouble. Its what you know for sure that just aint so. Mark Twain)
Did Clemens steal that from Reagan?
"It isnt that Liberals are ignorant. Its just that they know so much that isnt so.
Ronald Reagan
I know this is late to the party, but I need to add something. After the dust settled around the election of 2000 in Florida, the New York Times did their own recount of the questioned ballots. Since they are a bastion of communism not easily confused with being the objective journalists they are supposed to be, it’s pretty obvious they wanted a particular result.
As much as they tried to massage those hanging chads, they still came up with the result that Bush won. Of course, that story was buried.