Here’s the thing. As conservatives we look at the issue as law. Obama broke it therefore he needs to be brought up on charges of high crimes and misdemeanors, be impeached and removed from office.
But it is Washington and politics trumps law, much to our consternation. So what do we do as Americans and what should congress do as our representatives? This is my thought.
We cannot just put Obama in a box. We need to also put the MSM in a box ane the way to do this is every bill must be 1-2 pages long, be put up on the congressional web site, with a presser to the American people letting them know that.
Start with immigration. 1 page. Call it the Border Scurity Bill. Stipulate in it, no future immigration policies or funding will be addressed until the bill is signed into law, executed and completed. Declare just like the rats, you want an up or down vote. Put the rats on record.
What we want to accomplish is 1) putting rats on record. 2) give Americans the ability to make their own decisions based on simple facts and 3) take the pen out of the MSM’s hand. By making everything simple, the MSM is forced to tell the truth, because they are no longer in a position to discuss complexity and promote the agenda without coming off as cheerleaders of the regime.
Plus, any rat dissension becomes campaign commercials which are run the day after the vote. Sample 30 second commercial would look like this. “Yesterday, Senator Schumer voted NOT to close the border. Senator Schumer wants illegals to come to America to take American jobs. Send Senator Schumer a message by voting for his opponent in 2016.”
It’s simple, truthful and powerful. No more games. It’s time to destroy the rats by taking away their message and delivery system.
I agree these would be useful and good things to do.
But they are tactics, skirmishes in a battle. The big picture is to take away from government the unconstitutional tools it uses to wage war against America and Americans.
This means significantly “downsizing” the power of the president; reorganizing the judiciary, hopefully purging many radical federal judges in the process; slashing the size and power of the federal bureaucracy; and using a conservative congress to erase over a hundred years of progressivism.
A peaceful revolution.