And in the Ardennes. I must admit I am surprised that the panzer divisions that will take part in the Ardennes Offensive don't show up on the German maps yet. That attack is less than three weeks away. In fact, it had originally been scheduled for December 10 but was postponed. I would have expected to see some indication of the assembly of units on Hitler's own map, but they still show far off the to the northeast, still in "Auffrischung." (Replenishment) The HQs of Manteuffel's 5th Panzer Army is still around Aachen, and the 6th Panzer Army HQ is nowhere to be seen. Very curious.
Alsace-Lorraine. What's left of the German 1st Army is slowly withdrawing to the 1940 German border.
Just a guess but after Kursk, the Germans knew they leaked intelligence like a seive. Never suspecting an Enigma/Ultra compromise, they disproportionately blamed the intelligence leaks on the Red Orchestra
After the July Plot, I suspect the fanatical Nazis didn't trust anyone. I wouldn't be surprised that there existed a separate set of maps strictly for Wacht am Rhein planners.