Here are but a few of the beneficiaries of Obamas policy:
1. School teachers, administrators, support staff, union leadersmore get hired to teach the illegal kids.
2. Police Officers-more get hired to apprehend the criminals coming thru the open border.
3. Social Workers-more get hired to hand out benefits to illegals.
4. Public Defenders-more get hired to defend the criminals.
5. Immigration Judges and Attorneys-more get hired.
6. Inner city Democrat Politicians-Congressmen have more people in their districts and that protects their job.
7. Jail and Prison Guardsmore get hired to house the criminal illegal.
8. Inner City Constuction Companies-more section 8 housing gets built to replace slums in the inner city.
The commonality in the above list is that the vast majority of these government employed people vote for Democrats.
Obama is pandering to his political base.
“The commonality in the above list is that the vast majority of these government employed people vote for Democrats.”
The other commonality is they all feed at the public trough that is kept full by the labor of others.
Unreal abuse of power.