” All high-skill immigration policy lacks is a lobby.”
Yep. All they have are all the tech billionaires. No lobby.
Raise, house, and educate our kids for twenty years, and help them get a good education. Recipe for success, right? Wrong. Export American know-how, let somebody else raise the kids where it's cheaper, and import them as serfs. Great plan.
Uh, who's going to pay the taxes to maintain this Pax Americana on which Democrat creeps like Zuckerberg are cashing in?
Plus, the universities who charge them full tuition, so they can get their Green Cards.
Plus, the non-profit laboratories, who can hire them on the cheap, and in unlimited numbers, while the immigrants wait 5 years, or more, to get their citizenship.
Plus, the corporate labs, who do the same thing, but have some hiring quotas the non-profits do not have.