” I just weighed roughly a cubic foot of
9mm, which should be close to 0.22 in
weight/volume if not worth, at 60 pounds.
At about $500, thats $8.31/lb, or 6 tons
per $100,000”
I think you’re forgetting that bullets would spike in value. All consumable goods would. Gold, being unessential to survival, would not.
If you had thousands of unreplaceable rounds, would you so easily sacrifice that for gold? And if gold does maintain value, how do you make change?
Yes. I would rather have 30 or 40 pounds of gold, which I can carry with me if necessary, than 30 or 40 tons of ammo which I can’t. The gold is not for short term barter, it’s for long term wealth preservation. Food, fuel, and firearms come first of course, but at a point their value per pound is too low.