Well...I sure have to agree with all that... Most all of us buy our ammo in bulk on line so we can get it a bit cheaper....so I'm sure they know exactly how many guns we have and what caliber they come in....
There ain't a damn thing "secret" anymore.....
Our sheriff's office is handing out permits like it's going out of style, they are buried. Kentucky legislature made a requirement that the permit process had to be completed in less than 90 days. The wife's took less than 45 days after she took the class.
My gut feeling is that CCDW and gun ownership in general is snowballing.
Remember this, believe it, and be willing to live it:
"If every Jewish and anti-nazi family in Germany had owned a Mauser rifle and twenty rounds of ammunition and the will to use it, Adolf Hitler would be a little-known footnote to the history of the Weimar Republic."
- Aaron Zelman / March 4, 1946 December 21, 2010,
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership