I hope that everyone is really seeing that the republicans are just as much a part of the establishment as the democrats. They are planning nothing more than continuing the socialist anti-American agenda.
From another similar story:
“Last week, Senator Rand Paul, the Kentucky civil libertarian and potential Republican presidential contender, said the USA Freedom Act was too weak for him to support. He is instead urging the expiration of certain surveillance authorities under the Patriot Act next year, as he did unsuccessfully in 2011. He voted against cloture on Tuesday night. “
This is how I see it:
There were only a few good votes on bill:
Senators Cruz and Lee who voted “yes” because they saw it as a move in the right direction in terms of restoring some of our liberties and Senator Paul who voted “no” because it didn’t go far enough in doing so (the bill would have extended parts of the Patriot Act through 2017, which Paul thought was more important to stop than was voting for the good parts of the bill).
The Democrats voted “yes” not because they really care about the Constitution or our liberty... but because they wanted to make it appear like the were while actually providing them the cover to stealthily extend really bad parts of the Patriot Act... all the while blaming the bill’s defeat on those darn fascist Republicans.
Most of the Republicans voted “no” because either they’re not serious about the Constitution and restoring liberty or because they don’t want to look “weak” on terrorism.
If Harry Reid were a real American Patriot (which he is the exact opposite of) he would let Senator Paul add his amendment to the bill axing the provisions extending the Patriot Act and then vote on it again. Senators Cruz, Lee, and Paul would be able to vote “yes” without reservations... and then the Democrats would be scrambling to figure out how to justify voting with the GOPe to kill it.