I certainly hope youve eliminated her from your life.”
She’s still my mother, and finally did quit that smoking habit, just recently. Smoking that is. And she did later learn a bit more respect, something smokers aren’t known for. But she sure hated being asked to roll down the window. Just a crack seemed enough for her. Of course smoke doesn’t magically go through tiny wholes like a vacuum is sucking on it.
Worse was when she smoked pregnant with my brother. She swears his ‘special’ issues are because she was ‘too old’ at 30 and light change. She doesn’t want to admit her smoking is the cause.
“Worse was when she smoked pregnant with my brother. She swears his special issues are because she was too old at 30 and light change. She doesnt want to admit her smoking is the cause.”
How do you know her smoking is the cause?
I smoked through 5 pregnancies and had 5 healthy kids,as did my friends. We all smoked in those days-—even the obstetrician and pediatrician.
I was over 30 when I had 2 of them.
A lot of plain old luck is involved.