I do not like the idea of each state having different rules for how we elect Federal politicians. If Michigan does this...why not all the states?
I am actually not excited how each state gets to determine their congressional districts either...each state doing it a different way.
Seems to me there is just too much room for corruption when each state can decide their own system of electing federal pols...like President...etc.
I hate to tell you this but the states already have different rules on how to elect “federal politicians”. In fact some states are already dividing their electoral votes.
In my view, you have it completely backwards. The Federal government did not create the states, the states created the federal government. So it’s completely appropriate for the people, through their legislatures, to determine how their representatives to the federal legislature, should be chosen.
Of course, that makes sense, since the Federal government is a creation of the States, and not the other way around.
Then take it up with the Founding Fathers. They actually believed in the sovereignty of the states. Thus, the Constitution allows for the states to select EC electors in the manner determined by each state. State sovereignty is meant to be a check on the Federal government. Why would you want to destroy what little is actually left of that idea?
Personally, I favor the electoral votes going to the candidate who carries the majority of the counties in a state. Something needs to be done to stop the large cities in a state from always carrying the electoral votes.