Ours looked a lot like that in TX, but with Tex-Mex thrown in:
Burrito covered in chili, french fries, pear halves, cornbread with butter
Tacos, rice & beans, chocolate pudding
Come to think of it our menu looked just like the Sonic menu, just with real vegetables and fruit.
I remember in elementary school all the chop-suey and other wierdness they pushed on us. And there was no ‘or’ back then, either. From this thread it looks like nobody’s posting the month’s school lunch menu on the fridge, too depressing.
Well, on Fridays there was an ‘or’: Fish sticks, but everybody went with the sausage pizza.
***with Tex-Mex thrown in:***
Sounds like the school lunches we had in Artesia and Tatum NM! Excellent!