He really needs his audience for a laugh track
According to the tape, when asked by Ammapur about the upcoming elections. He said according to the pundits the Republicans will win and if they do... [Transcribed by me]
“They are going to win a lot of restaurants and lobbyists, K Street. The only thing they don’t get is, I think,is the presidency in this election. But,if it goes the way they want, enough votes, they may get that too. Obama may have to leave as well.
They may get everything that they want, and from what I understand, their first order of business is to destroy and Isis and eradicate Ebola. If the commercials, they have been running are to believed.”
He seemed when he said that he didn’t vote that he was not kidding.
“NO!” He said adamantly. He didn’t know where he “thing” was because he moved to another state.
Haven seen the retraction tape, but it probably looks like a hostage tape.