Sherman Micsak, Superintendent
I sent him a “nice” note letting him know what a STUPID move that was.
Thanks for the email address. Here is my note :
Your mistreatment of a student who was demonstrating healthy snacking and attempted to use a knife to cut an apple is out of bounds. What kind of education do you administrators have that you would consider it a threat to cut an apple in a teacher-approved demonstration? Educators should all go to some camp to learn common-sense. And if the zero-tolerance program is so austere that one is not allowed to use his critical thinking skills, then the school has to address this as a problem. The student is not the problem, the adults are the problem. Why not fight for common sense application of rules? Instead of punishing innocent students, students who want to learn, with your dumb rules, fight to defend them from stupid applications of policies that would have found you ridiculed not too many years ago.