Good Heavens! No need for anyone to actually show up to vote! And of course, there will be no reliable way to make sure that:
(a) those "early voters" don't also show up registered in another precinct and a ballot being cast there by something or other. And:
(b) O, BTW, just found a batch of these "Early Votes" that somehow fell through the "cracks." Guess we'll have to count them, too. Right?
I wont dispute the fact that early and absentee voting is a huge problem where voter fraud is concerned. The way to manipulate and cheat undetected are quite numerous.
If Absentee and/or early voting were secure then the member on that list would be checks against the voter lists of every other state. Their residency and citizenship in that presinq of that state would be verified and all of this would have to happen BEFORE their vote was counted.
Thus while you could issue absentee ballots ballets to be mailed out. they would have to go into a separate pile until exclusive registration, residency and citizenship had been verified. An investigation that realistically could take many months given the pace of Government.