To: mad_as_he$$
I guess you could say that she has no more ways than one.
8 posted on
10/29/2014 9:44:18 AM PDT by
Bloody Sam Roberts
(Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are not inclined to commit crimes.)
To: Bloody Sam Roberts
This must be a school that has hiring problems as they clearly had no standards at all.
16 posted on
10/29/2014 9:48:18 AM PDT by
(A nation cannot stand in the absence of religious principle.)
To: Bloody Sam Roberts
Momma's not too happy!
To: Bloody Sam Roberts
Do the people in charge of hiring substitutes ever check the Facebook pages of the applicants?
58 posted on
10/29/2014 10:13:38 AM PDT by
("WE ARE ALL OSAMA, 0BAMA!" al-Qaeda terrorists who breached the American compound in Benghazi)
To: Bloody Sam Roberts
The skank is strong in this one.
63 posted on
10/29/2014 10:19:51 AM PDT by
Celtic Conservative
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