We know the Ebola virus can survive a fairly long period of time outside the body.
We know that it is transmitted via open wounds or mucous membrane contact.
One of the most common of human behaviors is picking of the nose, which brings into play the human fingers which may pick up the virus from the back of a contaminated bus seat or a doorknob, and combines that with the mucous membranes of the nose, which may be penetrated to the point of bleeding, never mind simple contact and transmission.
While Ebola is not considered to be extremely spreadable compared to some other diseases since it has a R0 (r naught) value of 1-2, which means each infected person is expected to infect 1-2 people (as compared to something like flu, which has a R0 value of around 3, or measles which has an R0 value of 15, meaning each infected person with measles is expected to infect 15 people) that does not mean other methods of infecting surfaces should be discounted, including bloody phlegm in a cough or sneeze, or simple contamination by an infected person picking their own nose and grabbing a door handle.
This is insane, I don't know why the CDC and the government continue to insist there is no reason to quarantine, and no reason to block travel from infected locations.
Insane. We are playing with fire.