I suppose they could throw some affirmative action females and minorities into racing, but what happens when the AA drivers lose all the time? And who the hell is supposed to put up the millions for them to lose? Would the next step be to give AA drivers a head start at the staring line and/or allow them to have faster cars? You know, to be “fair”.
“I suppose they could throw some affirmative action females and minorities into racing, but what happens when the AA drivers lose all the time?”
You just blame someone else; the NY Jets are doing that with TWO token quarterbacks who suck. All last season the commentators referred to Geno Smith as “the rookie Geno Smith” to deflect criticism of his lack of talent; he and Vick are “too black to fail”. FWIW, the “black quarterback” question was settled decades ago by Doug Williams with his Super Bowl win; now it is just about re-distributing wealth with affirmative action hiring.