Give me a break.
“Born and raised’ Texans forced to prove identities under new voter ID law”
I’m sure the people in South Africa or India or many other nations are crying two tears in a bucket for you.
In the dead of the know, like Obamacare.
LOL, this is some sinister writing.
AMEN...They feel they’re “entitled” to not have to get that ID like everyone else.
I’ve never understood the liberals on this. Why do they not organize efforts to get people an ID so they can vote?
I’ve heard all the arguments about how its hard to get birth cert and other documents to get a state issued ID. Why don’t the liberals do ID drives, just as they do get out the vote drives?
If somebody needs a ride to a government office to get ID, how about good liberals give them a ride?
If somebody needs to send away for a birth cert from out of state and doesn’t understand how to do this, how about good liberals step in and help them fill out the forms, get it notarized, or whatever else is needed,,so that their voters can get their ID???
Wait a minute.
He was 18 in 2008 and he still doesn’t have a driver’s license?
Or any kind of photo ID?
Maybe 24 year old slug shouldn’t be voting anyway.
I think we should deny the vote to the criminally insane.
“Eric Kennie and many thousands of others like him particularly black, Hispanic and low-income Texans into a state of democratic limbo.”
Oh I know kinda blew their freaking minds huh? Omg! They are forcing me to get a form of identification to vote! Whatever shall I do !?
So if Supremes strike down the laws as unconstitutional does that mean I get to use the same excuse when they ask for my ID to purchase a gun? You know it is a protected right under the constitution...and that ID requirement kinda infringes on that right.
This poor victim must not be able to buy booze either, or get on a plane or rent an appartment. If you’re old enough to vote, you should have valid ID.
So if he was over 18 in 2008, that makes him over 24 today...
I’m not buying it. So he doesn’t have a bank account or a car or a library card or traveled by air or rail or received any one of a thousand welfare handouts that require an ID?
A fine example of the soft bigotry of low expectations.
I don’t sign the back of my credit card, and when someone asks for my ID, I hand it to them with a big thank you. I don’t feel “offended” or “surpressed” from trying to make a purchase.
That should be, make it harder for minorities to vote MORE THAN ONCE
There is no reason for an 18 year old kid in this country to not have a valid photo I.D.
And was his parents born and raised in Africa? It says they’re “African” American.
Born and raised is not the same as registered to vote.
Takes about 10 minutes at the DMV here and it is free.
He needs to get his lazy self down to the DPS and get an ID.
Texas driver license issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)
Texas Election Identification Certificate issued by DPS
Texas personal identification card issued by DPS
Texas concealed handgun license issued by DPS
United States military identification card containing the persons photograph
United States citizenship certificate containing the persons photograph
United States passport