“No, I was not kidding you when I posted this piece of information direct from SPs Facebook page.
Your opinion and vote matter more than my opinion in this Alaska election; not sure what my opinion would be if I lived there.
But in the contiguous 48 where I live, SPs opinion carries more weight.”
That’s part of the problem, IMO, most of the cheerleaders - the one’s calling Sara a Conservative, have **no clue** as to what is going on here in Alaska.
This latest - backing a life-long far left socialist and a sell out (R) should give folks a clue Sara is a Populist, nothing else.
Look, keeps ending her money, at least she banks the loot in state, so the bankers are doing OK....
BTW - Mallott has quit more elected positions than Sara -
ask the folks that voted for him before how they felt about that....