EV, I assume you’re referring to Bull’s Run? Nimitz, King and Kincaid believed, based on a radio message received from Halsey, that if Halsey exercised his discretion to chase Ozawa’s decoy force he would form “Task Force 34” to stay behind and cover the San Bernardino Strait. As it happened, he never did, and the Strait was wide open, exposing the ships at the landing beaches.
That’s what happened.
Which meant that a very small portion of the Seventh Fleet had to confront the strongest remaining force in the Japanese Navy.
Fortunately, they fought like hell and turned them away, at a great sacrifice.
Basically the Japanese and the Americans are going to get the decisive naval battle they want this week. Spelling the demise of the Imperial Japanese Navy.
Nonetheless, Halsey was and remains an American hero.
Don’t want to forget that last week he and his men smashed most of what was left of the Japanese air forces.