THAT is what I’d like to know. Why is ANYONE - at least actual Americans - continuing to serve this SOB???
There was a time when people had a sense of honor - now all the rats care about is their rat party.
Which bring up why would any actual American be so stupid to vote rat??? Hello Georgia and Kentucky, etc.!!!!
They don’t serve the SOB. they go to protect their families and our country which includes the Constitution. BUT when they get shot at, they shoot back for their brothers next to them. Period.
How come we aren’t hearing about ISIS? That is where they want to go and that is where they should be. Why aren’t the Chinese and India Indian doctors and engineers building these clinics? Their countries would be wiped out if the obola virus got there.
stop pensions for military and govt alike...make them have portable 401K's like most people so they can get out of the slavitude to the satan sooner rather than later....
the days of me encouraging young people into the service are long gone.....I no longer believe in the military of my mother and father, my brothers, my husband and my brother in laws....its GONE.....
Free stuff.