You presume the process was legit and valid.
IMHO, the voting process is a joke. The ‘debates’ (sound bit factories), open primaries, voter fraud (w/ no prosecution), pandering, etc.
Just how quick are most States/voters disenfranchised? IE: 1st few months of the general, maybe 10 States, and the ‘winner’ is on the ballot? What about the other 40 States votes? Same with urban centers over-riding the will of the rest of the State (4 cites in FL decide the whole?!)
Sorry, no. We need to reform the process FIRST. States should be standing up to D.C.; the hell with Congress/etc.
So tell me how you are going to reform the process by staying home/not voting/writing in a candidate on election day? smh
The circular (il) logic is dizzying.