> “...what are the odds that regular conservatives will hold the line?”
Tea Party Conservatives in the House along with Ted Cruz, Jeff Sessions in the Senate have so far done a masterful job at holding the line.
Boehner on the other hand is a loose canon. He has been held in check because of one issue that he could not cave to and that is DO YOU TRUST OBAMA?
Now with Cantor gone and a fresh batch of Tea Party Conservatives joining the House ranks, the stonewall should hold until 2016.
And the idea of using the Federal Judiciary Restraining Orders against Obama’s unilateral unlawful EOs should allow conservatives to position themselves for Ted Cruz in 2016.
Yes, it’s awful to think of that disgusting crook named Reid to continue as leader of the US Senate but it will strengthen conservative solidarity. Having McConnell lead the US Senate will cripple conservative solidarity. It’s a horrible horrible Hobbesian choice.
As the existentialist French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre once asked:
“If you are neck deep in a barrel full of sh*t and someone is preparing to throw a handful of snot at you, would you duck?”
Now I have worked to form a conservative strategy if the GOPe loses its bid to take control of the Senate.
Have you thought of a conservative strategy should the GOPe take control of the Senate?
If so, I would like to hear it.
Indeed I have.
First and foremost, any and all conservatives in DC have to throw up an unbreachable wall of gridlock. They have to undermine the GOPe at every turn and not allow them one iota of breath without a youtube video trashing their liberalism for drawing it.
they need to fight the GOPe leadership and do everything they can to strip them of power. Bhoner/McColnel have to be neutered. they cannot be allowed to take any action at all that covers for Barry or benefits liberalism. Tie them into legal and procedural knots, then make speeches via Youtube and public events condemning them for supporting liberalism and mostly...
Expose every damn one of them for their open complicity in Barry’s illegal invasion. Get the families of the people hurt the most and take them into the house and senate DAILY and use every floor speech to point them out and discuss what the GOPe and Obama did to them. The dead kids, the destroyed land, the stolen cars...all of it. Put the names of the bastards on TV avery day..the GOPe/Dem bastards.
Harp on it. Never let up. Allow no laws to pass. allow no EO to occur without a full court press in court.
In short, do everything that was not done before. Rail their liberal choices. Rail their appointments. Rail their attacks on conservatives. All of it.
That stops Barry, mitch and Jonbon cold.