Even the local POS “journalists” haven’t bothered to ask... and they just had a press conference yesterday stating they were watching all of the “service providers closely.” A non-libtard reporter would simply ask one question: “How can you state you are stringently monitoring the healthcare providers, when one of them spent the last few days visiting in Cleveland?”
Where did she go in Cleveland? It is said she was planning her wedding. Did she visit the caterer; the bakery; the wedding gown place? Did she take her bridesmaids, flower girls, etc. with her?
We need a rundown of every place she visited...restaurants, bars, clubs, church, etc. How many in Cleveland had contact with her, and are they all under medical surveillance?
They think we are stupid.
Correction - they know most of the populace have been dumbed down in their fascist schools and hope the small minority of us still thinking are not paying attention.