It wouldn’t matter what the counter-story would have been to Bush’s claim that there were WMDs.
It’s the same with any political issue; abortion, for example. They have their points and we have our points and the debate rages. But at least there’s a debate.
Pres Bush’s supporters would not have stood on the sidelines saying “oh my, they have points, so we better not repeat our own being advocated by our leader.”
We would have shouted from the housetops, AND we would have won the hearts and minds of many Americans who were 100% behind the president at the outset of this war and would have at least acknowledged a debate was raging with facts on our side.
But, Pres Bush chose NOT to argue at all. He gave ZERO information on these WMDs to his supporters and potential supporters. It was his biggest FAIL. He owns it.
Bush does NOT own this.
These weapons were widely reported. The NYT reported on them and said they were old and not the stockpiles Bush had claimed was there.
My guess is that ISIS is using these now and the NYT is spinning to cover Obama and their own butts.