There is a variance between political temperament and the practice of politics.
As Russell Kirk points out, Bismark showed us that politics is the “art of the possible.’ You can’t accomplish anything without success.
This runs in direct conflict with holding and supporting an entirely principled line, the expression of political temperament.
Would we be worse off if Obama had lost in 2012? Probably not. Would we still be going downhill in liberty if Romney had won — that’s likely. So either stance being held, the position of the Possible, or the unbent standard of Principle will come into conflict with the other.
This forum is the collision of that discourse on the conservative side so we bicker and insult each other.
From an earlier poster "I don't know how to deal with the fact that too many politicians become co-opted once they become comfortable in Washington, or the state or local governments".
It does seem that they get a taste of the gravy train and become addicted to the feed-bag. "Something" definitely gets to them. Either they were lying and deceiving while campaigning, or they find out something from their new vista that completely changes their perspective. Then it is dog-eat-dog when their elite positions are threatened. In another time, this behavior would be easily and readily written off as "he's been bought", or "he's in somebody's pocket", or "he's compromised his integrity". Today we use different terms. But the overall trend, for many years now, has turned America the beautiful into a very, very ugly and ungodly place.
Really, all I wanted to say is that I have found this thread to be a very helpful FR101 for any newbie struggling with the choice of the lesser of two evils. My pattern to date has been to cast my vote against someone. I will endeavor to rethink that.