“Just so you understand conservative republicans are in the minority at the voting booth in many states. The average Republican voter is a centrist/moderate middle of the roader. That is why what we call RINOs get elected and stay in office. We have to make truly conservative gains where we can. Its a slow process.”
I hate to repeat myself but it just seemed necessary.
You cannot pin your hopes on the GOP for restoring the constitutional republic. That’s not how its going to happen. There are not now nor will there ever be again enough conservatives to vote the fundamental transformation out. However we do need to elect as many Trey Gowdy’s and Ted Cruz’s as possible so somebody will be there to pick up the pieces after the coming resolution conflict.
Yes — That was the point of my post.
There are not now nor will there ever be again enough conservatives to vote the fundamental transformation out.
I disagree.
We don't need conservatives to do it, just people who value liberty or justice — and despite what a lot of people here think, the average Democrat you see on the streets values justice… this means you have to put your cause into those terms. (e.g. An example of where their sense of justice was offended is the NSA's domestic wiretapping.)
The reason that conservatism
has failed with a majority of people is because the Republicans have wrapped themselves up in that flag and been utterly feckless. So, insofar as the younger generations are concerned conservative
means preserving the status quo — which, incidentally, is a valid and correct definition of the word.
However we do need to elect as many Trey Gowdys and Ted Cruzs as possible so somebody will be there to pick up the pieces after the coming resolution conflict.
Perhaps; I think it would be better, however, to promote the cause of liberty among the general population.