Person 1 (DTA) asserts proposition X - recording media FROM ATC was confiscated by the agents of Ukraine security service and hidden from the international investigators.
Person 2 (1rudeboy) argues against a false but superficially similar proposition Y, as if that were an argument against Person 1's position - as if DTA claimed Black boxes were confiscated. Black boxes (flight recorders) and ATC recordings are totally diffferent objects in different locations.
it seems to me that Your Nazi kameraden should find someone more proficient to defend their hapless position.
Person 2 (1rudeboy) cites that the cockpit voice recorder is sitting in Farnsworth, UK.
Person 2 (DTA) asserts that there is a difference that matters for an unknown reason, and repeats his unsourced claim.
Of course, while a criminal investigation is ongoing.