I see. So if libertarians could sell dope to our children, the mexicans would go away.
Since the illicit drug market is huge, there is no doubt people of all political persuasions are selling drugs to kids. That’s because it is an unregulated market despite spending billions on the failed drug war. And if the kids can’t get drugs or booze, there is always the bathroom or kitchen cabinet. My neighbor died sniffing Pam - spray grease.
Alcohol is also being sold to kids here in America, doing terrible damage to them. Shall we have a war on alcohol? Oh, we tried that, didn’t work. All we got for our trouble was the Mafia, & a lot of out of work prohibitionists looking for something to do - the drug war.
We see now the fruits of the drug war: Swat team raids on private homes, leaving dead & injured innocent parents, children & pets as a result, not just hunting for drugs, nowadays, the invaders might be from the EPA, FDA, or IRS. The militarization of the local police. The alienation of the local police from the people - see Ferguson, MO. Illicit drugs are more available now than ever before.
If you want your kids to be alcohol & drug free, first, you must be so yourself. Monkey see, monkey do. Then you must somehow mentally & morally inoculate your kids from the constant evil around them. If you are waiting for the drug war to protect your kids, you are delusional.
Ah, yes, muddy the waters with the straw men mixed with a few slight of hand ‘Look over there’
1) D.C. has EVERY authority (note, I do NOT say Right...only the Individual has Rights) to police the border; it is empowered to do so as one of its core functions
2) Most here note the difference between an ADULT of consenting age and a child
3) There has been no mention of Mexico, or the Libertarian Party, outside of your (denigrating) posts
4) It is almost impossible to control/regulate/etc. anything that is readily available by making/growing your own (even if the 2nd Amendment were killed today, people would still have/make weapons)
5) Prohibition was Constitutionally imposed, and rescinded. Not much since the 1910’s has that same distinction.