...Until Harry Reid gets in his face.
I'm no Cochran fan, but I would never vote for any member of today's democrat party. Here in Virginia, Mark Warner swore up and down in 2008 he'd be an "independent voice" for this state... yet, once he entered office, he became one of Obama's most devoted servants. Warner's voting record in the Senate is 97% aligned with Obama's agenda.
Democrats can state their going-in philosophies until they're blue in the face, but they are cogs in a wheel that has but ONE purpose: The furtherance of the goals and objectives of the democrat party, good of the country be damned. When it gets to nut-cutting time, Childers will prove that out. Dems live, breathe, eat and exist for their beloved Party -- first, foremost and always.
And people like Thad Cochran, Pat Roberts, Mitch McConnell and Karl Rove (non-elected position)........... live and breathe for the furtherance on one goal: To keep their positions of power; the little people be damned!!!
They also live to expand the power and reach of the state, which makes them no different from the GOPe. IMO, we don’t really even have a choice anymore, and I have to wonder if that was a plan.