Insanity is sometimes defined by doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result.
The GOP has hollowed itself out by for too long relying on ‘Vote for us, we are not Democrats’. That dog will no longer hunt.
I am placing my energies into the Libertarian party because they honestly believe in smaller government.
Progress in the social arena is a moral issue and not well suited to government decrees. There you have to win by persuasion, not by force of government.
Paraphrasing a sorely missed former president, “I did not leave the GOP, the GOP left me”.
I like much of what you say but allowing innocent babies to be murdered is not a passive act anymore than it would be to allow one citizen to murder another. The force of government has role in preventing or at least punishing murder.
I will support a conservative candidate regardless of party label but I do have my litmus test. If no one can pass my test, I’ll do a write in and I’ll write myself in if there is no acceptable alternative.