Nobody's in isolation.
The contacts should be in quarantine, but, if they are, I bet it's "voluntary home quarantine".
IF - and I should emphasize, NOBODY knows what's about to happen, but IF cases start popping up among HCWs and their families in Texas, then the s*** is most definitely going to hit the fan.
There was once a virus called Ebola,
It sat in wait in the Congola,
It killed a bunch of African peopola,
Got a ride to the US freeola,
Decided to mutate into one bad asshola, Now we wait for the SH*T TO HIT THE FANOLOA
According to local news, the patient was taken by ambulance and the Dallas city ambulance personnel who transported him are in quarantine, per the mayor of Dallas, Mike Rawlings———————
Consider 5 guys ride an Ambulance, now in quarantine, according to the MAYOR. That’s just the ambulamps ride.
50 is not a high quarantine estimate.
Coinky dink that during the last weekend of August, Obola designated September as National Preparedness Month?