Like what?
Thats why when Lincoln blockaded the south during the war it was so effective.
Prior to the war the South didn't need to import arms and ammunition and other war supplies. Nor did they need to import items they used to buy from the North. You're talking apples and oranges here.
I do know that when it came to building and repairing infrastructure, the North got a disproportionate amount of the benefits.
How disproportionate? If the South had 20% of the population and say, for the sake of argument, 80% of the government spending was in the rest of the country then is that disproportionate?
When the North blockaded the South, they no longer could get as many war supplies as they needed, like powder. But they could also not get any of the other things they needed. Like medicine and certain food. That's one reason why so many men died in Andersonville. The south sent a delegation of released Andersonville prisoners to Lincoln to beg that medicine and food be sent to support his men in Andersonville with the promise that it was for his men only. But he didn't listen.
Regarding the North getting more benefits:
Senator Benton said in 1828 that the South "may be said to defray three-fourths of the annual expense of supporting the Federal government; and of this great sum, annually furnished by them, nothing or next to nothing is returned to them, in the shape of Government expenditures. That expenditure flows in an opposite direction--it flows northwardly, in one uniform, uninterrupted, and perennial stream."
George Lunt, author of Origins of the Late War, noted,
"In 1833 there as a surplus revenue of many millions in the public treasure which by an act of legislation unparalleled in the history of nations was distributed among the Northern States to be used for local public improvements."
President James Buchanan's message to Congress declared,
"The South has not had her share of money from the treasury, and unjust discrimination has been made against her."