Is UV light ineffective against ebola?
Yes it is, however, as a disinfectant I would tend not to use it because of the tightly enclosed geometry required to make it work. You could buy a UV disinfection system for water treatment, but many things can't be put through it (door knobs for example). Also I am not aware of a quantified UV dosage for ebola, but water disinfection units are typically designed to provide 30 microWatts per square cm. However, it has been shown that some virii require higher dosage, plus the kill ratio may not be adequate because of the low dose of virons necessary to cause ebola. Also there is no residual disinfection and any particle that goes through the UV that is shielded from the rays by a speck of dust or other solid in the water will emerge unscathed.
Whoops, I thought it said “effective”. Sorry.