Take yer arse back to Kenya.
Seriously what do blacks see in islam?
They still practice slavery.
Even more of the faux moral superiority they upon which they preen themselves.
We must send their asses to jail and not send these people back unless we first close our borders.
Else they’re be back before you know it and they’ll disappear in the many safe houses in this country.
It gives them an excuse to murder white Americans.
“Take yer arse back to Kenya.
Seriously what do blacks see in islam?
They still practice slavery.”
I read somewhere awhile back that in their rejection of white man, and white mans culture, they reject Christ because they see Him as the white mans savior and religion, and as the founder of the white mans culture. So the ultimate and complete rejection of white man is the not only the rejection of white mans culture but the acceptance of something completely the opposite - Islam. A negation/positive thing. Or thesis/antithesis.
I think a majority of American blacks who convert to Islam are prison converts. So I suppose that a religion which offers divine sanction for murder and rape might just have some appeal.
The original sales pitch still works, all these centuries later.
Confirmation of the Bell Curve?
It[islam] is anti White. It is anti Establishment. It is anti woman. That is what about islam that appeals to Blacks. The first also appeals to the self hating Whites.
Best I can figure out, it's a cult thing. By embracing the godless and lawlessness of that cult, it allows them to perform the most godless actions against humanity, all in the name of whatever that cult called Islam says they should do.
There is no religious foundation for what ISIS and the rest of those barbarians are doing, it's nothing more than a total disregard for humanity and an opportunity to act out on the hostilities that are driving their hatred of everything.........