Mexico isn’t hacking off people’s heads.
This woman was a busy body. Flying a flag on your property is your business, not anyone else’s. She invaded someone’s business, filmed herself doing it, and posted it. “See what a strong and awesome person I am? I stood up to someone that wasn’t hurting anyone!” There is a guy in my office that has a small Jamaican flag on his desk. Should I run up to him and scream at him for being unpatriotic? Would that make me a good American?
If you’re so offended, don’t look.
And Coldwell banker probably didn’t want to have someone working there that was so easily offended. Makes for a tough office enviornment. And they are free to fire someone for any reason they want.
A whole lot of people in Mexico have been beheaded by Mexicans.
Don't believe me, click on the link....There are hundreds of events like this...If you'd like to see more, lemme know.
18 Decapitated in 2nd Largest City Ahead of July 1st Presidential Election - The Logic of Border Control