So a cop has a right to shoot people just because he fears what they might do? He obviously never saw a gun, because there wasn’t one. No, he doesn’t need to be assaulted before he can defend himself, but he does need to have a reasonable perception of a deadly threat. Cops don’t have carte blanche to shoot someone who is making them nervous.
he saw no gun PERIOD! end of discussion
“Cops dont have carte blanche to shoot someone who is making them nervous.”
But sadly,that’s what they do, day after day, and they usually get away with it. We need a lot more cameras “monitoring” individual cops as they go about their daily activities. Then maybe they will be forced to act like public servants once again, and if they don’t, they will end up like this guy going to jail for a very long time.
It is clearly time for cops to be told that if they want to work in policing our communities, then they are going to have to take some personal risks.
If they think that the primary directive is that it is better to kill innocent citizens than to risk ever misjudging a risk to themselves, then they are in the wrong business.
I think you are wrong. They apparently do, if a few days worth of reading FR is any indication.
don’t think I said anywhere that the cops can go shooting anyone if they are nervous or deserve carte blanche.
So if this idiot is digging in his vehicle and doesn’t comply with the cops directions, then the cop needs to wait for the gun to make it’s appearance before he can defend himself??
What I do think would have been a better option was for the dimwit driver to be tazed first before the cop pulled his gun. Maybe better training for the cop??