Hmmm. So the Secretary of State is on record stating that there is no deadline. So the dismissal based on some 1959 precedent was nothing but a sham.
One more twist in the 2014 election season!
To: cotton1706
Deadline, no deadline, doesn’t matter. MS people are too confused to take proper action.
2 posted on
09/24/2014 8:25:20 AM PDT by
Theodore R.
(Liberals keep winning; so the American people must now be all-liberal all the time.)
To: cotton1706
The state law has been changed since the 1959 ruling that was based on the previous law, yes the ruling on McDaniel vs Cochran based on the 59 MSC ruling was a sham.
3 posted on
09/24/2014 8:25:25 AM PDT by
(Dump the Chairman of the Mississippi Republican Party, joe nosef.)
To: cotton1706
4 posted on
09/24/2014 8:30:17 AM PDT by
(Obama lies, Granny dies.)
To: WKB; paintriot; Lil Flower; Malichi; WXRGina; duffee; onyx; DrewsMum; Tupelo; mstar; jdirt; ...
6 posted on
09/24/2014 9:28:02 AM PDT by
To: cotton1706
In the end. . .we know what is going to happen.
Disgusted conservatives will sit on their hands, and not vote in the Senate race, and the Rat will be the Coch-roach. . .
7 posted on
09/24/2014 9:46:35 AM PDT by
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