There is a fundamentally different mind set between a legal and illegal..
legal immigrates come here to be part of the county to move up to grow.. to be Americans
Illegals come to to get what the can and sent back..
Truth is i grew up in a Hispanic neighborhood.
The legal Hispanic immigrants moved up fast.. there want to be Americans and were some the best you could ask for.. funny I think most Americans find the true legal immigrants make some of the best Americans because they know what they're here for and they know what this country is about
The illegals. . Not so. to the illegal, America is just something to take advantage of and exploit ..they have no respect for it and its peoples.. they shown it by their very first act by the way they came here... America is not something to be respected but be exploited.
And the truth was the legals Hispanic immigrants detested the illegals ..
Let me put the mindset different between a legal and illegal immigrant
A legal comes here because he see American as the women he wants to marry
An illegal see American as a piece of ass and wants to get some